You've logged on, you've enabled, disabled, and re-enabled each platform, and only Amazon will sync.


Don't through your computer out the window just yet, though! It turns out that this is a fairly common issue, and it's also easy to resolve. In short, you have somehow acquired two logins, and only Amazon is able to sync right now, as the other platform-specific IDs are telling ScribeCount that they're associated with another account.

Ways this can happen include:

  • You set up your account with an email address and password that was associated with either Amazon or Gmail - and later used one of the "log in with Amazon" or "log in with Gmail" buttons. While the two email addresses you're using are the same, those buttons go through different login protocols and have created a separate account
  • You did the same as above, but in the reverse order (logging in with Gmail, for instance, and then using the Gmail address for an email-and-password style login)
  • You used one of the Amazon/Gmail logins one time, and a different one the next time
  • You have more than one email account for your business, and have inadvertently set up two different accounts
  • A combination of the above

In all cases, the telltale sign is that only Amazon will sync.

And, luckily, there's a quick solution! Send us a ticket with the two login methods you used (or, if you're not sure, your best guesses of other email addresses or login methods you might have used), and let us know which method you'd like to use going forward. We'll help you consolidate the accounts, and everything will be back to normal in a jiffy!