It's frustrating in the extreme when a platform won't sync! Luckily, we have a quick fix you can try, and a support team ready to leap into action if more troubleshooting has needed.

What you can do: 

While we know that the following request has reached the level of IT cliché, we are going to ask you to do it anyway, because it so often solves problems.

Ready? Okay. We'll need you to try resetting the link between ScribeCount and the affected platform, in a very specific order.
  1. Disable the platform on the ScribeCount settings screen
  2. Open a new tab and go to the platform, itself
  3. Log out of the platform
  4. Go back to ScribeCount settings and re-enable the platform
  5. Follow the "Go to login" link to re-login to the platform
  6. Wait 30 minutes to see if the data load correctly

If everything is resolved, great! If not, send us a ticket, either here or by emailing, to explain the issue, and our support team will get to work fixing the issue!